Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Hair Loss and Its Types!!

Normal Hair Loss:

It is normal to lose 100 hairs per day, out of the 100,000 present on the average scalp. This normal hair loss may be due to certain factors:

• Some daily practices like shampooing, blow-drying, hair brushing can cause a few hairs to falls out
• Hair falls out after their average life span (single hair life span is 4.5 years). However they get replaced by new hair after 6 months
• Both men and women mainly start losing hair after the age of 30

Stress and Hair Loss:

It is completely true that stress leads to hair loss whether it is associated with injury, surgery or illnesses. Hair loss caused due to stress is of two types:

• Telogen effluvium: most common type of hair loss due to stress. It is not a severe type of hair loss, in this type the hair stops growing and lies dormant. Hair falls out 2 or 3 months later but then again grows back within 6-9 months.

• Alopecia areata: In this, hair loss occurs within weeks in the form of patches. It involves even body hair. During this type of hair fall, a white blood cell attack on the hair follicle. It requires proper treatment.

Heredity Hair loss:

In genetic hair loss the re-growth of hair is improper. It is associated with a number of factors:

• Age: The chances of hair loss increases with the age i.e. by age 30, 1 in 4 men are balding and by age 60, 2 in 3 men are balding
• Heredity or pattern baldness is more commonly found in men than in women.
• Pattern baldness is mainly associated with testosterone that is the reason why more men experiences pattern baldness

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