Wednesday, December 16, 2009

How to face Baldness…

Hair on our scalp can be divided in two parts and that are root and shaft. Root of hair is in the skin of head. It is surrounded by pouch like structure and that is called follicle. Base of hair is in the shape of a bulb. When the cell in the center of bulb divides then the new cells push the previous cells up and the cells, which move upwards, die slowly and forming hard hair shaft.

Prevention is better than Cure:
90% of baldness reported all over the world is triggered by a weak gene in the family. Male pattern baldness is a progressive disorder and like all other hormone related problems, it can be controlled. Hence, the saying prevention is better than cure is apt in this case.

Treatment Options:

Control of male pattern thinning (MPT): It was found that nature had some DHT Blockers, which could control the action of male hormone on the hair. Green tea and berry seed called Saw Palmetto, which grows in North America and Australia, were the two most prominent DHT blockers found.

Hair loss can now be slowed down by using various treatments available. Herbal products which are a great alternative to hair replacement surgery are found to be very effective in contributing to the arrest of hair fall and re-growth of hair in many situations.

TrichoZed, an anti hair loss remedy, is a natural hair loss remedy. Its herbal ingredients help in blocking the formation of DHT, which is the primary cause of hair loss. This reduces further loss of hair from the scalp, without causing any side effects. For more information on this product, visit its website

1 comment:

  1. These weekend I am going to do some with my hair actually they are looking very messy. just give them a wash with intensive hair care shampoo.
