Sunday, April 11, 2010

Some of the Most Recommended Ways to Stop Hair Loss!!

Do you suffer from a hair loss problem? Are you thinking on the top of your head? Is your regular hair fall bothering you?

Then you must have a look on the given below tips that are simple yet beneficial to stop hair loss-

• Try to increase the intake of food items that contains minerals like potassium and Vitamins like biotin, Vitamin C, D, A and B. This will keep your hair intact and strong and prevents hair loss.
• Take more of protein diet as hair is made of keratin protein. The more protein you consume the more hair you can grow; Thus less likely to have hair loss. The major sources of protein are egg whites, milk and fish.
• Stress is one of the major factors contributing towards hair loss. Thus to avoid stress and tension, try practicing yoga, and meditation to keep yourself calm.
• Avoid taking carbonated sodas which will weaken your immune system thereby making your hair weak resulting in hair loss
• Exercise at least 4 times a week for a minimum of 30 minutes. This will help you to unclog your hair pores. It is highly beneficial to prevent hair loss.
• Quit smoking, drinking alcohol and caffeine as they will hamper your immune system causing hair loss
• Avoid too much of hair treatments like straitening, curling It is because excessive use of these techniques will weaken that hair at the root level causing hair loss
• In order to have healthy hair and to stop hair loss, cut off all split ends. A trim every 8 weeks will be enough to get rid of split ends.
• Else you can try some natural stop hair loss remedy that has no side-effects like TrichoZed. TrichoZed is the herbal stop hair loss remedy that restricts hair loss within a week and promotes the growth of new hair within a month. This highly effective hair loss remedy consists of herbs which strengthens the hair follicle and blocks the negative progression of DHT hormone that is responsible for hair loss in most of the cases. TrichoZed is purely natural and cause ZERO side-effects. It helps you gain fuller and firmer hair. To know more about this herbal stop hair loss remedy, visit

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