Hair loss affects both men and women and they would be willing to do anything to prevent hair from falling. Pharmaceutical and surgical treatments are available to prevent the hair loss but they are not successful and are expensive too.
Maintaining a proper diet by eating healthy foods that are rich in vitamins and exercising keeps the hair follicles strong. Vitamin B also is beneficial in keeping hair healthy.
Another way to
prevent hair loss is to care for your hair properly. One should avoid excessive washing of hair; even blow drying your hair often causes splits and breaking of hair. Avoid combing or brushing your hair vigorously as this may damage the hair follicles. Various types of hairstyles can also cause breakage and hair loss.
Herbs like Emblica Officinalis, Biotin etc are gaining importance in curbing hair loss. Nowadays herbal supplements are available which contain natural extracts of herbs and vitamins which will help you fix your problem of hair loss. These
herbal supplements can be purchased easily, is economically priced and are very effective. For a safe anti hair loss supplement which is effective and does not cause any side-effects, visit the website