Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Female Hair Loss: Types and Causes

It is said that hair is an ideal indicator of one’s optimum health. If you have shiny, healthy and growing hair that means your health is good or vice-versa. Hair loss is a universal problem and every person suffers from it once in their life time. However male and female hair loss pattern differs from each other. Female hair loss is characterized under 3 categories:-

Androgenetic Alopecia: - It is the most common type of hair loss found in women. it is also known as “female pattern alopecia”. Alopecia term is used for baldness but if someone is suffering form alopecia then it doesn’t mean the complete baldness instead it is featured as hair thinning (on the top and crown part of the head). It begins with shrinkage of hair follicles resulting in finer hair within a short period of time.

The main reason behind this type of hair loss is hormonal changes which mainly occur during pregnancy and post menopause stage. Sometimes, regular intake of birth control pills may cause hair loss.

Alopecia Areata: - It is characterized by a round bald patch in the initial stage followed by an inevitable progress of total hair loss in the entire scalp area. The main reason behind this type of hair loss is autoimmune disorder that may be caused by a number of factors like acute stressors, allergy, traumatic experience, high fever, viral and fungal infection. This type of hair loss is not as common as Androgenetic Alopecia

Telogen Effluvium: - It is also known as “diffuse hair loss”. It is characterized by thinning of hair throughout your entire scalp area. It is mainly caused by internal health complications like nutritional deficiencies, hormonal disturbance, stress, chronic illness and others.

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