Thursday, July 5, 2018

How does hair loss happen?

Hair loss is a very common disease in both men and women. Hair loss is the male pattern baldness and men who have this type of hair loss usually have inherited the trait. Men who start losing their hair at an early age tend to develop more extensive baldness. In male-pattern baldness, hair loss typically results in a receding hairline and baldness on the top of the head.   In women, hair loss is different; they usually suffer from thinning of hair and the women’s scalp is not completely removed of hair. The normal cycle of hair growth lasts for 2 to 6 years and  it grows approximately 1 centimeter per month during this phase and after 2 to 3 months, the resting hair falls out and new hair starts to grow in its place.  Hair loss affects everybody, young and old, and those who have family history of baldness are prone to this problem.   

Hair loss is an embarrassing problem that affects your entire look and some of the common causes are due to hormone related problems which is genetic, stress, hair styling methods, dandruff, poor nutrition, thyroid diseases and some medications. There are effective herbal solution to help curb and arrest hair loss and also helps in regrowth of hair -

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