Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Curb hair fall in a natural way

Hair loss is rapidly increasing in both men and women and no one would like losing their hair. The causes of hair loss can be due to a variety of reasons such as hormonal imbalances, poor diet issues, heredity reasons and stress which all contribute to you losing hair. Skin diseases like dandruff or psoriasis or an illness can affect the scalp and cause falling hair; these are temporary conditions and can be fixed. The causes of hair loss of hair in women are childbirth, menopause and chemotherapy.

It is normal to lose some amount of hair daily but the problem arises when hair fall exceeds normal limits. Male pattern baldness which affects 25% of men by age 30 is linked to the male hormone testosterone (DHT) and women are troubled by female pattern baldness to a much lesser extent. 

To stop hair loss naturally one should have a healthy diet which includes plenty of Vitamins A, B, C and E that helps promote hair growth. Stress which is one of the major causes for hair loss should be reduced with the help of exercises, yoga and meditation. Stop smoking as nicotine narrows the blood vessels leading to the scalp, causing hair to fall out. 

Keep your scalp clean using a good shampoo and massage the scalp using herbal oils like narrows the blood vessels leading to the scalp, causing hair to fall out. Do not use chemical shampoos and avoid blow drying as it can damage the hair. 

Seek a natural remedy that works in harmony with your body boosting its healing and hair re-growth powers. Many people have had great success using herbal anti-hair loss supplement which has helped stop hair loss and get hair to regrow naturally without any side-effects.

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